
Get domain

To retrieve a specific domain, you will need the domain’s id, not its domain name:

$domain = $service->domain('{domainId}');

If you are having trouble remembering or accessing the domain ID, you can do a domain list search for your domain and then access its ID.

List domains

These calls provide a list of all DNS domains manageable by a given account. The resulting list is flat, and does not break the domains down hierarchically by subdomain. All representative domains are included in the list, even if a domain is conceptually a subdomain of another domain in the list.

$domains = $service->domainList();

# Return detailed information for each domain
$domains = $service->domainList(true);

Filter parameters

You can filter the search by using the name parameter in a key/value array supplied as a method argument. For example, to retrieve domains named, along with any subdomains like

$hoolaDomains = $service->domainList(array(
    'name' => ''

Filter criteria may consist of:

  • Any letter (A-Za-z)
  • Numbers (0-9)
  • Hyphen (“-”)
  • 1 to 63 characters

Filter criteria should not include any of the following characters:

‘ + , | ! ” £ $ % & / ( ) = ? ^ * ç ° § ; : _ > ] [ @ à, é, ò

Finding a domain ID

Once you have a list of domains, to retrieve a domain’s ID:

foreach ($domains as $domain) {
    $id = $domain->id;

List domain changes

This call shows all changes to the specified domain since the specified date/time. To list all available changes for a domain for the current day:

$changes = $domain->changes();

For more granular control, you can manually define the since parameter like so:

$since = date('c', strtotime('last week'));
$changes = $domain->changes($since);

Once you have a set of changes, you can iterate over them like so:

foreach ($changes->changes as $change) {
    printf("Domain: %s\nAction: %s\nTarget: %s", $change->domain, $change->action, $change->targetType);

    foreach ($change->changeDetails as $detail) {
        printf("Details: %s was changed from %s to %s", $detail->field, $detail->oldValue, $detail->newValue);

Create domain

The first thing you will need to do is instantiate a new object and set the primary A record for the DNS domain, like so:

// get empty object
$domain = $service->domain();

// add A record
$aRecord = $domain->record(array(
    'type' => 'A',
    'name' => '',
    'data' => '',
    'ttl'  => 3600


You also have the option of adding more types of DNS records such as CNAME, MX and NS records. This step is completely optional and depends on your requirements:

// add CNAME record
$cRecord = $domain->record(array(
    'type' => 'CNAME',
    'name' => '',
    'data' => '',
    'ttl'  => 3600

// add MX record
$mxRecord = $domain->record(array(
    'type' => 'MX',
    'data' => '',
    'name' => '',
    'ttl'  => 3600,
    'priority' => 5

// add NS record
$nsRecord = $domain->record(array(
    'type' => 'NS',
    'data' => '',
    'name' => '',
    'ttl'  => 5400

You can also add sub-domains to your new DNS domain. Again, this is completely optional:

$subdomain = $domain->subdomain(array(
    'emailAddress' => '',
    'name'         => '',
    'comment'      => 'Dev portal'

Once you’ve finished configuring how your DNS domain will work, you’re ready to specify the essential details and send it to the API for creation:

    'emailAddress' => '',
    'ttl'          => 3600,
    'name'         => '',
    'comment'      => 'Optional comment'

Clone domain

This call will duplicate an existing domain under a new name. By default, all records and, optionally, subdomains are duplicated as well.

The method signature you will need to use is:

cloneDomain($newDomainName[, $subdomains[, $comments[, $email[, $records]]]])

Clone a domain

  • $newDomainName (string) – The name of the new domain entry
  • $subdomains (bool) – Set to true to clone all the subdomains for this domain
  • $comments (bool) – Set to true to replace occurrences of the reference domain name with the new domain name in comments on the cloned (new) domain.
  • $email (bool) – Set to true to replace occurrences of the reference domain name with the new domain name in data fields (of records) on the cloned (new) domain. Does not affect NS records.
  • $records (bool) – Set to true to replace occurrences of the reference domain name with the new domain name in data fields (of records) on the cloned (new) domain. Does not affect NS records.

For example:

$asyncResponse = $domain->cloneDomain('', true, false, true, false);

Export domain

This call provides access to the BIND (Berkeley Internet Name Domain) 9 for the requested domain. This call is for a single domain only, and as such, does not traverse up or down the domain hierarchy for details:

$asyncResponse = $domain->export();

$body = $asyncResponse->waitFor('COMPLETED');
echo $body['contents'];

Import domain

This operation will create a new DNS domain according to a BIND (Berkeley Internet Name Domain) 9 formatted value.

In order for the BIND value to be considered valid, it needs to adhere to the following rules:

  • Each record starts on a new line and on the first column. If a record will not fit on one line, use the BIND_9 line continuation convention where you put a left parenthesis and continue the one record on the next line and put a right parenthesis when the record ends. For example: 3600 IN SOA ( 1308874739 3600 3600 3600 3600)

  • The attribute values of a record must be separated by a single blank or tab. No other white space characters.

  • If there are any NS records, the data field should not be or They will result in “duplicate record” errors.

For example:

$bind9Data = <<<EOT 3600 IN SOA 1308874739 3600 3600 3600 3600 86400 IN A 3600 IN MX 5 5400 IN CNAME


$asyncResponse = $service->import($bind9Data);

Modify domain

Only the TTL, email address and comment attributes of a domain can be modified. Records cannot be added, modified, or removed through this API operation - you will need to use the add records, modify records or remove records operations respectively.

    'ttl'          => ($domain->ttl + 100),
    'emailAddress' => ''

Delete domain
