Stack resource events

Operations on resources within a stack (such as the creation of a resource) produce events.

List stack events

You can list all of the events for all of the resources in a stack as shown in the following example:

$stackEvents = $stack->listEvents();

foreach ($stackEvents as $stackEvent) {
    /** @var $stackEvent OpenCloud\Orchestration\Resource\Event **/

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List stack resource events

You can list all of the events for a specific resource in a stack as shown in the following example:

$resourceEvents = $resource->listEvents();

foreach ($resourceEvents as $resourceEvent) {
    /** @var $resourceEvent OpenCloud\Orchestration\Resource\Event **/

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Get stack resource event

You can retrieve a specific event for a specific resource in a stack, by using the resource event’s ID, as shown in the following example:

/** @var $resourceEvent OpenCloud\Orchestration\Resource\Event **/
$resourceEvent = $resource->getEvent('c1342a0a-59e6-4413-9af5-07c9cae7d729');

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