
A stack is a running instance of a template. When a stack is created, the resources specified in the template are created.

Preview stack

Before you create a stack from a template, you might want to see what that stack will look like. This is called previewing the stack.

This operation takes one parameter, an associative array, with the following keys:

Name Description Data type Required? Default value Example value
name Name of the stack String. Must start with an alphabetic character, and must contain only alphanumeric, _, - or . characters Yes
template Template contents String. JSON or YAML No, if templateUrl is specified null heat_template_version: 2013-05-23\ndescription: LAMP server\n
templateUrl URL of the template file String. HTTP or HTTPS URL No, if template is specified null
parameters Arguments to the template, based on the template’s parameters. For example, see the parameters in this template section Associative array No null array('flavor_id' => 'general1-1')

Preview a stack from a template file

If your template is stored on your local computer as a JSON or YAML file, you can use it to preview a stack as shown in the following example:

/** @var $stack OpenCloud\Orchestration\Resource\Stack **/
$stack = $orchestrationService->previewStack(array(
    'name'         => 'simple-lamp-setup',
    'template'     => file_get_contents(__DIR__ . '/lamp.yml'),
    'parameters'   => array(
        'server_hostname' => 'web01',
        'image'           => 'Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (Trusty Tahr) (PVHVM)'

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Preview a stack from a template URL

If your template is stored as a JSON or YAML file in a remote location accessible via HTTP or HTTPS, you can use it to preview a stack as shown in the following example:

/** @var $stack OpenCloud\Orchestration\Resource\Stack **/
$stack = $orchestrationService->previewStack(array(
    'name'         => 'simple-lamp-setup',
    'templateUrl'  => '',
    'parameters'   => array(
        'server_hostname' => 'web01',
        'image'           => 'Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (Trusty Tahr) (PVHVM)'

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Create stack

You can create a stack from a template. This operation takes one parameter, an associative array, with the following keys:

Name Description Data type Required? Default value Example value
name Name of the stack String. Must start with an alphabetic character, and must contain only alphanumeric, _, - or . characters. Yes
template Template contents String. JSON or YAML No, if templateUrl is specified null heat_template_version: 2013-05-23\ndescription: LAMP server\n
templateUrl URL of template file String. HTTP or HTTPS URL No, if template is specified null
parameters Arguments to the template, based on the template’s parameters Associative array No null array('server_hostname' => 'web01')
timeoutMins Duration, in minutes, after which stack creation should time out Integer Yes

Create a stack from a template file

If your template is stored on your local computer as a JSON or YAML file, you can use it to create a stack as shown in the following example:

/** @var $stack OpenCloud\Orchestration\Resource\Stack **/
$stack = $orchestrationService->createStack(array(
    'name'         => 'simple-lamp-setup',
    'templateUrl'  => '',
    'parameters'   => array(
        'server_hostname' => 'web01',
        'image'           => 'Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (Trusty Tahr) (PVHVM)'
    'timeoutMins'  => 5

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Create a stack from a template URL

If your template is stored as a JSON or YAML file in a remote location accessible via HTTP or HTTPS, you can use it to create a stack as shown in the following example:

$stack = $orchestrationService->stack();
    'name'          => 'simple-lamp-setup',
    'templateUrl'   => '',
    'parameters'    => array(
        'server_hostname' => 'web01',
        'image'           => 'Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (Trusty Tahr) (PVHVM)'
    'timeoutMins'   => 5

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List stacks

You can list all the stacks that you have created as shown in the following example:

$stacks = $orchestrationService->listStacks();
foreach ($stacks as $stack) {
    /** @var $stack OpenCloud\Orchestration\Resource\Stack **/

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Get stack

You can retrieve a specific stack using its name, as shown in the following example:

/** @var $stack OpenCloud\Orchestration\Resource\Stack **/
$stack = $orchestrationService->getStack('simple-lamp-setup');

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Get stack template

You can retrieve the template used to create a stack. Note that a JSON string is returned, regardless of whether a JSON or YAML template was used to create the stack.

/** @var $stackTemplate string **/
$stackTemplate = $stack->getTemplate();

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Update stack

You can update a running stack.

This operation takes one parameter, an associative array, with the following keys:

Name Description Data type Required? Default value Example value
template Template contents String. JSON or YAML No, if templateUrl is specified null heat_template_version: 2013-05-23\ndescription: LAMP server\n
templateUrl URL of template file String. HTTP or HTTPS URL No, if template is specified null
parameters Arguments to the template, based on the template’s parameters Associative array No null array('flavor_id' => 'general1-1')
timeoutMins Duration, in minutes, after which stack update should time out Integer Yes

Update a stack from a template file

If your template is stored on your local computer as a JSON or YAML file, you can use it to update a stack as shown in the following example:

/** @var $stack OpenCloud\Orchestration\Resource\Stack **/
    'template'      => file_get_contents(__DIR__ . '/lamp-updated.yml'),
    'parameters'    => array(
        'server_hostname' => 'web01',
        'image'           => 'Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (Trusty Tahr) (PVHVM)'
    'timeoutMins'   => 5

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Update Stack from Template URL

If your template is stored as a JSON or YAML file in a remote location accessible via HTTP or HTTPS, you can use it to update a stack as shown in the following example:

/** @var $stack OpenCloud\Orchestration\Resource\Stack **/
    'templateUrl'   => '',
    'parameters'    => array(
        'server_hostname' => 'web01',
        'image'           => 'Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (Trusty Tahr) (PVHVM)'
    'timeoutMins'   => 5

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Delete stack

If you no longer need a stack and all its resources, you can delete the stack and the resources as shown in the following example:


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Abandon Stack


This operation returns data about the abandoned stack as a string. You can use this data to recreate the stack by using the adopt stack operation.

If you want to delete a stack but preserve all its resources, you can abandon the stack as shown in the following example:

/** @var $abandonStackData string **/
$abandonStackData = $stack->abandon();
file_put_contents(__DIR__ . '/sample_adopt_stack_data.json', $abandonStackData);

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Adopt stack

If you have data from an abandoned stack, you can re-create the stack as shown in the following example:

/** @var $stack OpenCloud\Orchestration\Resource\Stack **/
$stack = $orchestrationService->adoptStack(array(
    'name'           => 'simple-lamp-setup',
    'template'       => file_get_contents(__DIR__ . '/lamp.yml'),
    'adoptStackData' => $abandonStackData,
    'timeoutMins'    => 5

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