
A note on Client IDs

For most of the operations in Cloud Queues, you must specify a Client ID which will be used as a unique identifier for the process accessing this Queue. This is basically a UUID that must be unique to each client accessing the API - it can be an arbitrary string.


echo $service->getClientId();

If you call setClientId without any parameters, a UUID is automatically generated for you.

List queues

This operation lists queues for the project. The queues are sorted alphabetically by name.

$queues = $service->listQueues();

foreach ($queues as $queue) {
    echo $queue->getName() , PHP_EOL;

Filtering lists

You can also filter collections using the following query parameters:

$queues = $service->listQueues(array('detailed' => false));

Create queue

The only parameter required is the name of the queue you’re creating. The name must not exceed 64 bytes in length, and it is limited to US-ASCII letters, digits, underscores, and hyphens.

$queue = $service->createQueue('new_queue');

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Find queue details

/** @var $queue OpenCloud\Queues\Resource\Queues */
$queue = $service->getQueue('{name}');

Check queue existence

This operation verifies whether the specified queue exists by returning TRUE or FALSE.

if ($service->hasQueue('new_queue')) {
    // do something

Update queue metadata

This operation replaces any existing metadata document in its entirety. Ensure that you do not accidentally overwrite existing metadata that you want to retain. If you want to append metadata, ensure you merge a new array to the existing values.

    'foo' => 'bar'

Retrieve the queue metadata

This operation returns metadata, such as message TTL, for the queue.

$metadata = $queue->retrieveMetadata();

Get queue stats

This operation returns queue statistics, including how many messages are in the queue, categorized by status.


Delete queue


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